International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2022

Автор: | 18.01.2023

2 – 11 июля 2022 года в Болгарии состоялась 22-я международная конференция International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2022 (Albena, Bulgaria), где были представлены доклады по экологической тематике.

Assoc. Prof., Dr. Irina Tikhonova, Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia
Prof., Dr. of Science Tatiana Guseva, Research Institute “Environmental Industrial Policy Centre”, Russia
Dr. Svetlana Panova, Independent expert, Russia


The concept of Best Available Techniques (BAT) is the basis for granting Integrated Environmental Permits (IEP) to industrial installations. In Russia, BAT is used along with Best Environmental Practices (BEP) concept to promote resource efficiency solutions and to motivate managers to collaborate with local stakeholders in the field of environmentally sound activities. One of the sectors modernised in accordance with the principles of BAT is municipal wastewater treatment (MWWT). In 2020, the Russian Reference Document (BREF) on BAT for MWWT Plants was recommended to the governors of BRICS cities as the basis for the improvement of MWWT performance as well as for the better conservation of fresh water bodies. BAT-Associated Environmental Performance Levels set by the MWWT BREF are used as the reference conditions for modernising existing facilities since 2019. A case of the Podkumok River, flowing through the recreational area of the Caucasus Mineral Waters is considered. The article analyses the Environmental Performance Enhancement Programme (EPEP) worked out by the Pyatigorsk MWWT plant as a starting point for the development of the public dialogue in the field of the restoration of the Podkumok River valley ecosystem services and provides practical recommendations for managers, municipal governments and educational establishments.

Keywords: Best Available Techniques, Best Environmental Practices, ecosystem services, Nature-based Solutions, wastewater treatment, pollution prevention and control

CITE: Tikhonova I., Guseva T., Panova S. Interrelatedness of Best Available Techniques and Best Environmental Practices: A Municipal Wastewater Treatment Case // Proceedings of the 22nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2022. Vol. 22, Is. 5. Pp. 257-264 /

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